Photo by Alex Koch from Pexels
Rapid antigen testing, also more commonly known as lateral flow testing, is a faster method of COVID-19 detection than PCR testing. Rapid antigen tests have a specificity of over 97% and have been widely adopted across the UK as a measure of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.
These easy-to-use tests can either be done at a local test site, a healthcare provider, such as Opus Biological, or from the comfort of your own home. The tests themselves will either require a throat or a nasal swab, with our staff providing you with the instructions on which is needed. This will be done at your short medical consultation prior to the test, carried out either in person or via video consultation.
Although lateral flow tests have been largely discussed for regular COVID-19 testing in the UK, they are now being used under the Government travel guidance for those travelling to England.
You will need to take a COVID-19 test before arriving in the UK if you either do not qualify as fully vaccinated or you have been in a country or territory on the red list in the ten days before you arrive in England. A full list of the red list countries and territories can be found here, whilst the Travel to England guidance to find out if you qualify as fully vaccinated can be found here.
This use of lateral flow tests has been termed fit to fly testing, and it does what it says on the tin, ensuring you are not carrying the COVID-19 virus before you begin your travels or return to the UK. Whether you are jetting off somewhere warm or you are simply flying with the UK, a lateral flow test offers you the freedom to do so. It is, however, important to remember that these tests must be ordered and performed through a private provider and booked in advance before your trip.
How to get your Fit to Fly test Private testing for this scheme is available at several pharmacies up and down the country. At Opus, our tests are undertaken in a UKAS accredited partner laboratory and are CE marked, ensuring you receive the most accurate results. The Fit to Fly test itself will tell you if you are infected when taking your sample, with this information being relayed to you within 24 hours of the sample reaching our labs. We also offer same day access to testing for both the COVID-19 virus and for COVID-19 antibodies, easing your mind when it comes to last minute trips.
Going abroad and want to book your Fit to Fly test at Opus? Get in touch with us now.